These worksheets aim to help you organize and guide your change efforts. They will help you strengthen key skills for habit change. This might involve the ability to pay attention, to tolerate uncomfortable feelings better, or to identify needs, to name a few key areas. The worksheets allow practical follow-up to your Eat Sanely reading—so that you can continue on to actually make the needed changes you’ve identified.
For most effectiveness, do the exercises that fit your needs often, until the practices feel like they’re coming more and more automatically—you’re remember and defaulting to them more and more often, in other words. Copy the pages if you are writing by hand for multiple uses. In fact, writing by hand vs. using a phone app vs. typing on a computer: which is best? Any of these methods will plant new ideas and connections better than practicing in your head, where thoughts tend to flit about and change and drop away. In part, this reinforcement happens because the act of recording involves repetition, and visual and motor inputs that help cement the message. Writing often wins as the most powerful mode, but phone apps and typing work well, too. So, in the end, choose whichever mode you are most likely to find convenient and to persist with. That’s what will count.
Start Your Eat Sanely Journey
Most of us agree we’d like to eat sanely. But what exactly is that? At EatSanely.com we use the definition that Dr. Terese Weinstein Katz has been using in her work with dieters, overeaters, and people with eating disorders: that is, eating in a way that maintains a healthy-enough weight, for good, without constant worry or guilt.